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QT adwaita integration

Good evening.

First I would like to thank you all for the incredible work you're doing making your OS available to the world. It can become quite a workhorse on smallish computers like mine which wouldn't accept Windows 10 without, well...choking on it. That's why I did a donation and I plan to do more in order to help you out.

Hwever, there's an issue that just drives me mad, and it doesn't come from you, it cme from QT 5.7's developers. Who in the h*ll decided to ditch GTK integration? As an XFCE users, it makes my QT apps (VLC, *cough cough* QBittorrent) feel out-of-place on the desktop.

As I use Adwaita-Dark, they stick out grey and windows-98-ish like an eyesore.

I've done a workaround, installed adwaita-QT in its QT4 and QT5 flavours, did some help but.... found a workaround building ON THE WORKAROUND!

Adwaita-QT and Adwaita-QT4 come in 0.5.2 version on DEbian 9. Through trial and error, I found that using the 1.0.1 version from testing (ie drop it in place with gdebi) does wonders. It works straight out of the box, I've done a lot of testing (ie day-to-day watching and downloading of my share of Ted talks and listening to my music), works like magic and supports adwaita-dark now, so the whole desktop look is back to coherence.

In my humble opinion, aqwaita-qt and adwaita-qt4 from testing are ready for prime-time, and can be slammed into stretch-backports (as not automatic, so people won't screw up something untested unless by explicitly asking).

Cheers from France. Alcide Cloridrix

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