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Bug#797644: kdelibs5-dev: kopete FTBFS: No rule to make target '/usr/lib/libsoprano.so', needed by 'kopete/kopete'

Thank you for your comment, Scott! Let my clarify...

Scott Kitterman wrote:
If there's a warning not to link against it, isn't the solution not to do that?

Yes, of course it would be a solution *not* to link against it, but "kdelibs5-dev" forces me to do so (that's why I blame it).

That's actually part of the point I was trying to make: My package (as well as others that are FTBFS'ing in the same way) doesn't actually *want* to link against libsoprano. It never asks for it. As I said before: The library libsoprano "is never even mentioned in any of the CMakeLists.txt files".

It is some CMake magic in kdelibs5-dev's macros that pulls it in. It is enough to do the following:

| KDE4_ADD_EXECUTABLE( myMainApp mymainapp.cxx )

That makes "myMainApp" link against libsoprano.

It's fine for "libkhtml.so" to request linking to libsoprano. But if it does so, IMHO its corresponding -dev package should make sure that the necessary dependencies are pulled in.

Hope that clears things up a little...


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