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Bug#763193: kde-base: KDE Memory leak still present in jessie

On 9/28/2014 3:31 PM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
Control: force-merge -1 725116

¡Hola Leslie!

El 2014-09-28 a las 10:29 -0500, Leslie Rhorer escribió:
This bug was present in wheezy and persists in jessie.  It was previously
reported under Bug#725116.

Ok, merging the two bugs. Usually, if a bug has not been fixed, we prefer to
have followups, instead of opening new bugs.

Um, OK. Since it is a completely new release of the OS, I thought it would be prudent to open a new report against the new release. It's also been almost exactly a year sine I opened the original report, and this is the first time I have had any response on it.

The behavior manifests when using XDMCP, but is not strictly related to KDE
alone, becasue it is not present in a fresh install of the operating system
from a netinst CD.

In order for us to work on a bug, we need to have clear reproduction

I loaded the netinst CD, selected Advanced, had the utility reformat the partitions, and completed the install. I used SSH to get into the system, loaded vim, created an automated SSH login, modified kdmrc and Xaccess to allow logins via XDMCP, set the network interface for a static IP, and rebooted the system. After that, I logged in via XDMCP, and ran a short test to see if the unrestricted growth was still an issue. It did not seem to be. I then loaded the applications listed in the bug report, and went about the business of configuring the new system. At some point, I activated KDE again, and left it running for a time, at which point I noted the memory usage was growing again. Left overnight, the app consumed nearly 100% of the 8G of memory installed in this machine. When first launched, the memory usage is generally in the 500M - 800M range.

If there is a leak, it could be that there is a memory area that
is not being correctly freed (valgrind can help detecting this) or that
certain type of "alive" object increases but never decreases (a memory
profiler might help with this).

Can you be a bit more specific? I installed valgrind, but I am going to need some specific binaries against which to run the utility.

Only after installing several other packages has the behavior mmanifested
itself.  The memory utilization has grown from 512MB to 4.5G over a period
of 2 days.

When you upgrade a program that is currently running, the linux kernel needs
to load the old version in memory and it will stay there until the program
ends. It could be, that if you upgraded the whole of kde and didn't restart
your session this is the reason.

I didn't upgrade anything. As I said in my report, this is a virgin install of "jessie". What's more, KDE wasn't even running when I added the elements listed in the bug report. The system has been rebooted at handful of times since installing the OS. What's more, the bug report against "wheezy" was posted almost exactly a year ago, and the system has most certainly been rebooted since then.

It could be that there is a leak, but in order to work on that we need more

Indubitably, but I need to know what you need me to investigate so I can tell you what you need to know. I'm not a duffer, but I'm surely not a guru, either.

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