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How to make kimpanel work?

I am trying to get kimpanel to work with my installation but the documentation and feedback I get from the system (~ zero) makes difficult to know what is going on.

What I have done:

- Using Debian Jessie with all latest packages updated.

- Installed ibus, ibus-anthy, ibus-mozc, plasma-widget-kimpanel.

- Added the input method widget to my panel. This shows a pencil icon on the panel.

- Started the ibus-daemon with: ibus-daemon -x -p /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kimpanel-ibus-panel

At this point nothing happens until I start writing something in chrome. Then the pencil icon changes to a keyboard icon plus an "i" (ibus) icon.

But clicking on them does nothing and I cannot change the input method or anything.

If I start the ibus daemon with the command: 

   ibus-daemon --xim -p /usr/lib/ibus/ibus-ui-gtk3

then I get japanese input on Chrome but not in Kde apps (e.g. Konsole).

If I start the ibus-settings dialog and let it start the daemon for me then Japanese input works perfectly on Kde and Gtk applications.

Still I would prefer to use the kimpanel that is more integrated with the Kde desktop.


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