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Bug#746730: ark has broken service menu

I can confirm this issue. All .desktop files shipped by Ark are missing
semicolon between "application/zip" and "application/x-deb". Effect is
that desktop-file parsing services fails to associate Ark with these
two mime types.

All users affected by this issue may run following two commands as root:
# dpkg -L ark |grep '\.desktop$' | while read file; do sed -i -e 's:application/zip:&;:' "$file" ; done
# update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications/

I have also tried to investigate root cause of this issue. I did notice that 
debian/patches/use_libarchive_for_zip_files file has following two lines;

-set(SUPPORTED_LIBARCHIVE_READWRITE_MIMETYPES "application/x-tar;application/x-compressed-tar;application/x-bzip-compressed-tar;application/x-tarz;application/x-xz-compressed-tar;application/x-lzma-compressed-tar;")

As you can see, removed line had semicolon near the end, while added line 
had not. After adding semicolon near the end of second line and re-applying
the patch, I rebuilt package; it did had semicolon in right place, and therefore 
should not be affected by this issue (I did not install it to verify).
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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