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lupdate, lrelease & TDebs

I'm restarting work on TDebs (at request of the release team and
others) and I'm also doing some work using Qt on Emdebian, including
usage of QtLinguist and this is likely to result in at least outline
support for Qt translations files in TDebs.

The DEP is a bit out of date - the changes at Alioth seem to have
interfered with my commits. I'm working on new scripts to build the
TDebs themselves.


Package maintainers will already have libqt4-dev installed but
translation updates using lupdate and lrelease would be needed in order
for translation teams to provide TDeb updates to existing packages
without requiring a binary rebuild.

What would be the chances of qt4-x11 providing yet another binary
package which only provides lupdate and lrelease?

(Installing libqt4-dev in a sid pbuilder chroot involves 44 newly
installed packages and 34.9 MB of archives (with Recommends turned off).
Now some of those would be installed on translator machines but quite a
lot would not - especially the other -dev packages.)

Just trying to gauge the impact of using TDebs with Qt. I'm aware that
KDE packages may have differing translation mechanisms, this is more
about packages which just use Qt or which are not part of KDE directly.


Neil Williams

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