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kscreensaver dependency on webcollage and bsod hacks from XScreenSaver

[Please CC me in yours reply, I'm not on this list]


I'm right now splitting bsod and webcollage hacks because people
considers them an offensive joke for new users that could lead to data
loss (because of user reactions) and just plain offensive

I rebuilt kdeartwork already with the new packages split and it didn't
FTBFS but since I don't know how exactly you support XScreenSaver
hacks then I'm asking: do these changes affects kscreensaver*?

It that's the case please do the respective changes for depending
where needed on xscreensaver-screensaver-bsod and

Jose Luis Rivas. San Cristóbal, Venezuela.
GPG 0xCACAB118 0x7C4DF50D
http://joseluisrivas.net/acerca - http://ghostbar.ath.cx/about

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