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Bug#547570: Kopete cannot connect to ICQ server for some users

I can confirm the solution from Николай Коробко.

My ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc contained the ICQVersion section, but with 
the following differences:
Build=6059  instead of 1042
Minor=0     instead of 5
Other=30005 instead of 0

Changing the values to the suggested ones, let me connect again, so thanks a 
lot Николай.

I have created a patch for file 
(attached). Unfortunately I can't test it today, as it's still compiling, 
but you can give it a test as well.

If the tests go fine, I think this would be appropriate for a point release.
<       mICQVersion.minor = config.readEntry( "Minor", "0x0000" ).toUShort( 0, 0 );
>       mICQVersion.minor = config.readEntry( "Minor", "0x0005" ).toUShort( 0, 0 );
<       mICQVersion.build = config.readEntry( "Build", "0x17AB" ).toUShort( 0, 0 );
<       mICQVersion.other = config.readEntry( "Other", "0x00007535" ).toUInt( 0, 0 );
>       mICQVersion.build = config.readEntry( "Build", "0x0412" ).toUShort( 0, 0 );
>       mICQVersion.other = config.readEntry( "Other", "0x00000000" ).toUInt( 0, 0 );

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