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Bug#407849: Fwd: Re: Bug#407849: script for /usr/bin/preloadkde


> Have you tested tihs?

Yes. All directories are correct and it does not generate errors or impact
system stability.

> Does it gain anything?

I must consist, on my Debian Testing with preload and prelink, I can't feel
any difference with or without preloadkde. I run linux- on an
PentiumM 2.00 GHz (2MB Cache) ThinkPad with 512 MB Memory.

> How much?
> (remember you have to clear your memory between logins to test it properly)
> It might be accomplished with echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

I tested KDM startup times for inresponsiveness. For this I cleared the RAM
three times, and three times not. Then I made "/etc/init.d/kdm start" while
starting my clock. The login screen came up after 10 to 20 seconds. The
harddisk stopped working after 32 seconds. These measurements were within
these limits on all six test runs with or without memory clearing.

Then I tested from KDM login, over disappearance of the KDM splash screen,
till konqueror and kmail came up. The KDM splash screen disappeared between
11 to 20 seconds. Konqueror and KMail came up after 34 to 40 seconds. This
results were also taken with three tests with clearing the cache and three
times without. Also no affect by preloadkde.

Maybe we should get some additional results. Maybe it also makes a
 difference, if restarting the computer then just clearing the caches.

Nevertheless my recommandation is to put the script
in "/usr/share/doc/kdm/preloadkde" and add a section
in "/usr/share/doc/kdm/README.Debian", mention that this can improve
performance on certain systems (unfortunately not mine :-).


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