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kmdr: bug at switch-case - cibercafe tool



A friend of mine, a very pioneer of owning and managing a cibercafe wholy based on Linux and open-source here in
Portugal (http://linuxkafe.com), started to make and use a tool with Kommander for terminal controlling and cash 
management, using commander as shell of .sh scripts he previously used 

The shell is completelly in portuguese, which i think would be not a problem at all - the problem is
at 'Utilidades/ConversorTempoDinheiro' - it's a cash to time converter and vice-versa, based on a time 
discount predefined values

For testing, please try putting some numeric value in the 'EUR' field, and click on 'ConverterEmTempo' - the desired
time (tempo) value should appear, but this field content doesn't change at all

We think the code below is not working as expected, which we really don't know why, since the code seems to look fine

In the file 'XKOMMANDER.kmdr', it's located close to the line 2420

<property name="text"><string>Converter em Te&amp;mpo</string></property>
<property name="accel"><number>276824141</number></property>
<property name="associations" stdset="0"><stringlist>

We think this kind of tool would be great to illustrate Kommander usability, as well would be great
we having this bug solving, or an alternative and working suggestion about how can we have this
desired feature working

We also tried 'if' sequences, as well unsuccessfully

thanks and best regards,
Paulo Silva

Attachment: xkommander.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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