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Bug#397874: Uninstallable because of conflicting binary svn-clean which is also in kdesdk-scipts

Peter Samuelson wrote:
> [Michael Biebl]
>> subversion-tools tries to install /usr/bin/svn-clean which is also in
>> package kdesdk-scripts.
> Thanks for noticing.  I'll add a 'Conflicts: kdesdk-scripts' - this
> requires subversion-tools to be priority 'extra', but fortunately it
> already is.
> I think svn-clean is generally useful to have and it's exactly the sort
> of thing that belongs in a package like subversion-tools, so I don't
> want to just drop it.  I do note that the 'svn-clean' in kdesdk-scripts
> is pretty much functionally identical, but messing with alternatives is
> way overkill.

Hi Peter,

please coordinate with the kdesdk maintainers to make it possible that
both packages are co-installable. If you think that svn-clean belongs
into subversion-tools and it has the same functionality as the one in
kdesdk-scripts, maybe the kdesdk-scripts maintainers are willing to
remove svn-clean from their package and add a Depends or Recommends on
subversion-tools. That would be the best solution imho.
You can then add a versioned Conflicts against older versions of
kdesdk-scripts, which still ship svn-clean.

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