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Bug#291867: konqueror: Can't generate preview thumbnail for RealVideo files

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 05:57:15PM +0000, David Johnson wrote:
> If I have a directory full of images and videos, Konqueror will happily
> generate preview thumbnails for each one until it reaches a RealVideo file,
> at which point it will stop generating thumbnails and sit there with the
> progress wheel whirring forever.

In konqueror, file associations, what do you have as rm/ram viewer
and embedder? If that app can't render the image for konqueror,
this bug should be assigned to it.

> Presumably KDE is not able to generate a preview for such files, in
> which case it shouldn't try to. This is preventing it from generating
> previews for the rest of the files in the directory.

You can set it off yourself in the same menu.

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