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Some of us maintain the kgeography package in unstable.
There was a real demand for it, so we debianized it and there was an old RFP 
and ITP.
I will explain it, because we know that it is now in kdeedu and we like to 
have it there.
Please excuse our way, but we wanted to have it in debian and then in 
skolelinux. I think I forgot to write a mail to this list 
(sorry for that ;( ), i only informed Ben about it, i think he was the only 
maintainer of kdeedu.
Of course we will write the removal for kgeography, just let us know when you 
think it is time for removing it.
Thanks for your fast work on kde, we thought that it will take some more 
months to prepare kde 3.5, now we have the work to include a new kde ;)

Greetings and thanks for feedback

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