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Bug#116485: weee, almost fixed

Here's a batch of manpages I generated with kdemangen.pl. This could even be 
automated :)

I had to exclude kdesud because it doesn't recognize '--help' as an argument, 
and I excluded kcheckpass because the manpage it generated was crap.

Here's what I did to generate them:
$ for bin in $(dpkg -L kdebase-bin | grep /bin/ | egrep -v kdesud\|
kcheckpass); do kdemangen.pl $bin > $(echo $bin | cut -d/ -f4).1; done 

kdemangen.pl can be found at:


Attachment: kcminit.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kdcop.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: drkonqi.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kblankscrn.kss.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kdebugdialog.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kdesu.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kdialog.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: khotkeys.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: krandom.kss.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kstart.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kreadconfig.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kwriteconfig.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: ksystraycmd.1
Description: Troff document

Attachment: kxkb.1
Description: Troff document

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