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Re: retitling old ITA/ITP bugs to O/RFP

Le Mon, May 24, 2010 at 09:27:37PM +0200, Lucas Nussbaum a écrit :
> David Moreno Garza used to run a script that retitled old ITA/ITP bugs
> to O/RFP. Since this was a useful service, I reimplemented it, and have
> been running it today with fairly conservative settings (18 months of
> inactivity for both ITP and ITA). (the script is available in
> collab-qa/retitle-old-ita-itp -- it's not run by cron yet ; see #501257
> for an example bug modified by the script)

Hi Lucas,

I just got a couple of your retitling emails and have a couple of suggestions:

 - I think that it is better to close ITPs instead or retitling them RFPs,
   otherwise we will perhaps accumulate a large number of inactive RFPs.

 - 18 months delay may be shortenend to six monthes or 1 year, but I think that 3
   months is too short, unless the goal is really to make people close their
   ITPs. I do not think that ITPs are discouraging people to contribute. In
   contrary, I hope it helps developers to coordinate their efforts. Some programs
   need time for packaging, and it would be a waste if two packages are prepared
   in parallel because of a lack of information.

 - The automatic email could include a bit more background about where the
   generator script is, who operates it, which thread or wiki page to read
   before making more comments, etc.

Have a nice day, and thank you for reviving David's effort.

Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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