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patch for wml/index.wml


as discussed on IRC I tried to mention lintian.d.o and piuparts.d.o to 
http://qa.debian.org - but failed as I'm not a memeber of the QA group :-D

Someone please commit the attached diff.

BTW, I think Lukas semi-regular archive rebuilds should be mentioned there 

Index: trunk/wml/index.wml
--- trunk/wml/index.wml	(revision 2350)
+++ trunk/wml/index.wml	(working copy)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 <li>Coordination of mass bug filings and transitions
 <li>Tracking of maintainers Missing In Action (MIA)
-<li>Mass-bug filing about various problems
+<li>Mass-bug filing about various problems, aided by tools like <a href="http://piuparts.debian.org";>piuparts.debian.org</a> and <a href="http://lintian.debian.org";>lintian.debian.org</a>. While it is recommended that developers run piuparts and lintian individually before uploading a package, these services make sure the archive is constantly and systematically tested. Mass-bug filings are usually only done for bugs of severity important or higher though.
 <li>Emergency maintenance of orphaned packages
 <li>Development of tools such as the <a href="http://packages.qa.debian.org";>Package Tracking System</a> and the <a href="http://qa.debian.org/developer.php";>Developer's Packages Overview</a>

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