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Bug#565219: qa.debian.org: bug history graphs are incorrect

reopen 565219 !
retitle 565219 qa.debian.org: bug history graphs are updated with excessive delay

On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 09:23:55 +0100 Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > If I understand correctly, the problem I reported is now fixed: as a
> > consequence, I think this bug report may be safely closed as fixed.
> Doing so with this mail.

I am reopening this bug report, since it seems to me that the bug
history graphs, although regenerated daily, get out-of-date data, not
in sync with the packages.qa.debian.org summary.

For example: a new minor bug was filed against apt-listbugs on Wed, 10
Feb 2010 21:11:15 +0100, bringing the total number of bugs from 20 to
The packages.qa.debian.org summary changed on thursday morning, but the
history graph (the one generated on 11-Feb-2010 12:29) still said 20
Today the history graph (generated on 12-Feb-2010 12:30) says 21 bugs,
as it should.

I noticed the same behavior in other cases, with other packages: the
graphs were updated with a two days delay (or even more).

However it is my understanding that the graphs are regenerated daily.

What's wrong?
Are graphs generated on the basis of out-of-date data?
Is there anything I failed to understand?

Thanks for your time.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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