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Removing old orphaned packages?

I made a list of packages orphaned more than one year ago together with
some information like popcon stats and reverse dependencies.

You can find it at http://people.debian.org/~djpig/oldorphanages

Based on this list and further investigations I propose to remove
the following packages. I have been very aggressively while preparing
that list. Many of these don't have any bugs and probably will never
cause any as they are simply not used... But lets remove them now
if someone really needs them he has time enough until etch to
reintroduce them (especially with current NEW speeds :)
If noone objects I will post the list debian-devel in a few days and
reassign the bugs another week or so later...

race, orphaned 376 days ago, about 3 years old, new upstream releases not uploaded, medium install base, "only a game"

trustees, orphaned 379 days ago, according to maintainer upstream dead,
removal already suggested one year ago, very small install base

ptknettools, orphaned 405 days ago, Debian native, 5 years old, many
alternatives to these programs AFAIK, very small install base

mp3kult, orphaned 443 days ago, upstream about 3 years old, small install base

gpppkill, orphaned 458 days ago, upstream about 3 years old, very small
install base

libffm, orphaned 466 days ago, upstream about 5 years old, very
specialised package (optimised math routines for DEC Alpha), so almost
no install base

stklos, orphaned 468 days ago, FTBFS, several releases behind upstream,
very small install base

tkworld, orphaned 500 days ago, upstream 5 years old, very small install

xbmbrowser, orphaned 513 days ago, upstream 10 years old, small install
base, probably many alternatives

splitdigest, orphaned 513 days ago, upstream 7 years old, small install

xasteroids, orphaned 513 days ago, upstream 12 years old (what about
a new archive at museum.debian.org? ;)), small install base, "only a
game", probably many alternatives

nqxml, orphaned 540 days ago, upstream 3 years old, alternatives
available, very small install base

rubymagick, orphaned 540 days ago, upstream 4 years old, probably
obsoleted by librmagick-ruby, very small install base

gfpoken, orphaned 584 days ago, upstream 5 years old, alternatives
available, small install base, "only a game"

sel, orphaned 637 days ago, upstream 4 years old, many alternatives
available, very small install base

jitterbug, orphaned 657 days ago, upstream 6 years old, alternatives
available, very small install base

meshio, orphaned 657 days ago, upstream 4 years old, probably
alternatives available, very small install base

[rest of the list tomorrow, longer than I expected :)]

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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