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fhs transition update


It looks like we're getting somewhere. Most packages have patches in
BTS, or are being NMU'd. Some might have to be removed from the
archive. Only rscheme-modules still needs work.

 1. arla
 2. arla-dev
 3. arla-modules-2.0.36
    gsstark@mit.edu (Gregory S. Stark)
Package is not installable (depends on kerberos4kth and libreadlineg2,
which don't exist), does not build from source, and is horribly outdated.
It should probably be removed.

 4. ftape-doc
 5. ftape-util
    Christian Meder <meder@isr.uni-stuttgart.de>

Patches are in the BTS, NMU in two weeks.

 6. gcc-m68k-linux
    Martin Mitchell <martin@debian.org>

Package is not installable and has build problems on hppa. I don't know
why this package has Architecture "Any" anyway. Isn't it a m68k only
package? Or is it a cross compiler?
Need NMU.

 7. glimpse
    Marco Budde <Budde@tu-harburg.de>

Has a grave security bug files now for almost 1.5 years (/tmp races).
Probably won't make it into woody anyway. Is the maintainer MIA?

 8. int-fiction
    Charles Briscoe-Smith <cpbs@debian.org>

Patch in BTS, NMU in two weeks.

 9. jlex
    Charles Briscoe-Smith <cpbs@debian.org>

Patch in BTS, NMU in two weeks.

10. lib-gnu.getopt-java
    Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@debian.org>

Patch in BTS, NMU in two weeks.

11. libggidemos
    Charles Briscoe-Smith <cpbs@debian.org>

Horribly outdated. Does not build from source.
Remove (see #103396)?

12. libroxen-ldapmod
    Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@debian.org>

Has been fixed, but is currently present in both main and non-us (see
#107804).  The one in non-us is old and still has files in /usr/doc.

13. onshore-timesheet-el
    Adam Di Carlo <aph@debian.org>

Patch in BTS, NMU in two weeks.

14. pccts
    Ed Petron <epetron@leba.net>

NMU in incoming.

15. picasm
    Klee Dienes <klee@debian.org>

NMU in incoming.

16. rscheme-modules
    Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu>

Does not build from source. NMU needed.
I had a look at this, but because I know nothing of scheme, I have no
idea how to make it build.

17. sauce
    Ian Jackson <ian@chiark.greenend.org.uk>

Patch in BTS.

18. userv
    Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk>

Patch in BTS.

19. xserver-ggi
    Charles Briscoe-Smith <cpbs@debian.org>

Obsolete, remove? (see #103396)

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| zoetekw@phys.uu.nl             | bon le faire?                |
|    bas@A-Es2.uu.nl             |               Pablo Picasso  |

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