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Re: Need some help with xirssi

* Andrew Pollock <apollock@debian.org> [2004-03-17 11:42]:
> Alternatively, we can just remove xirssi.

Quite possibly the best choice.  It was never part of woody and seems
broken (and the description says "development version").

(Note: JD is the maintainer of irssi-text)
14:39 < tbm> JD: hey, should xirssi be removed?
14:40 < JD> tbm: quite possibly
14:40 < tbm> JD: pros/cons?
14:40 < JD> let me do a quite build and see if it is still shagged
14:40 < tbm> JD: ok
14:40 < tbm> JD: if not, will you adopt it?
14:40 < JD> tbm: yes
14:41 < tbm> JD: hmm, it was not art of woody, so I lean towards removal.
14:41  * Kinnison votes for removal
14:41 < Kinnison> it's ugly and regularly broken
14:41  * edd too
14:42 < JD> tbm: wait 2 days. if I haven;t uploaded by then, remove it

Martin Michlmayr

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