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Re: py2removal: proposal to increase apps popcon limit

>> Maybe you can paste the list of 20 affected apps, though?
> I'm more interested in the 18 that are above 1000.  Could you please just list them all 38, sorted by popocon?

here's the list:

cvs2svn - popcon = 303,
chirp - popcon = 350,
gnat-gps - popcon = 354,
cfv - popcon = 387,
fretsonfire-game - popcon = 394,
neopi - popcon = 398,
kcachegrind-converters - popcon = 414,
virt-goodies - popcon = 430,
freeorion - popcon = 433,
syncthing-gtk - popcon = 435,
postnews - popcon = 557,
pssh - popcon = 562,
displaycal - popcon = 562,
archivemail - popcon = 674,
syslog-summary - popcon = 692,
xboxdrv - popcon = 696,
trash-cli - popcon = 753,
fsl-5.0-core - popcon = 822,
denyhosts - popcon = 852,
geda-utils - popcon = 938,
mirage - popcon = 1006,
gnumeric-plugins-extra - popcon = 1110,
getmail - popcon = 1191,
mailman - popcon = 1344,
smart-notifier - popcon = 1362,
xchat - popcon = 1606,
mysql-workbench - popcon = 1688,
calligra-libs - popcon = 2296,
mysql-utilities - popcon = 2448,
lokalize - popcon = 2598,
libboost-mpi-python1.67.0 - popcon = 2691,
bleachbit - popcon = 2773,
qbittorrent - popcon = 3402,
libapache2-mod-python - popcon = 3778,
nagios-plugins-contrib - popcon = 4059,
playonlinux - popcon = 4781,
sugar-browse-activity - popcon = 6421,
ipython - popcon = 8296,

Sandro "morph" Tosi
My website: http://sandrotosi.me/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrotosi

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