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Sympy 0.7.2

The attached patch is a first stab at packaging SymPy 0.7.2, which
supports Python 3. There's some polishing to be done, such as adding
an isympy3 script, but it at least builds.

I assume that building the binary packages from a single source
package is preferred? The upstream releases on Google Code and PyPI
have separate py2/py3 tarballs, and they don't include the conversion
script. So I've used the tarball from the github tag as the source. I
also had to patch the conversion script, which assumes it's working
inside a git repository. I've raised an issue upstream about this.

I'm still not sure of the protocol, so I thought I'd bring it up here
first. Let me know if I should commit the changes to the DPMT SVN.


Attachment: sympy-0.7.2-and-py3.patch
Description: Binary data

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