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Re: Request for review / sponsorship for jsonpickle

On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 04:26:49PM -0600, John Paulett wrote:
> Hello,
> I uploaded my first Debian package, jsonpickle, to mentors.debian.org
> (http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=jsonpickle).
>  jsonpickle is a library that builds on top of the existing Python
> JSON encoders (simplejson, stdlib json, demjson) by allow more complex
> object graphs to be serialized to JSON.  I would greatly appreciate
> any comments and suggestions on this package.
> I tried to follow the Debian and Python packaging guidelines and
> examined the packaging of several other Python packages, so hopefully
> the jsonpickle package is close to being acceptable.

Would you mind maintaining it in the DPMT (Debian Python Modules Team) [1]
colaboratively? This would give you a better chance for sponsored uploads.

[1] http://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/

Jan Dittberner

Jan Dittberner - Debian Developer
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