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Re: new dh_python proposal

[Matthias Klose, 2009-08-20]
> On 03.08.2009 19:16, Piotr Ożarowski wrote:
> >* about lack of XS-Python-Version and debian/pyversions
> >   - if available, both previous places will be used to get
> >     minimum/maximum required Python version, it will complicate
> >     detection of packages that need binNMU, so I want to drop both of
> >     them at some point,
> Why move this attribute from an explicit place to an implicit one?
> Encoding all stuff in dependencies isn't that obvious. Indeed we do
> create new attributes like Homepage, which were included before in
> the description.
> Is it really worth adding semantics to the build
> dependency/dependency fields and instead removing the explicit
> information about version information?

* to ease detecting packages that need binNMU?
* to make it simpler for package maintainers ("my module needs Python
  >=2.4 - lets build depend on it" instead of "where the heck
  is XS-P-V / debian/pyversion's syntax described?")
* to make it easier for dh/cdbs maintainers?

Anyway, I don't care about it that much, it will not make any difference
if we decide to support all 3 approaches or only existing two (both
previous ones has to be supported at the beginning anyway).

-=[     Piotr Ożarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

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