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Re: Volunteers and help!


First, many thanks for your interest in contributing to Debian. I don't make part of the publicity team, but as a Debian developer searching for new contributors, here is what I can tell you.

I think the first thing to decide is what kind of thing you want to do in the project: packaging (technical skills required), design (rather wiki or website teams then), or publicity (here). In my understanding, the dificult thing of the publicity team job is to have a look at what happens in the project, getting news from other teams, and he supported to write nes on Debian communication channels (bits.debian.org, micronews, social networks, internal annoucnes, etc).

If you want to help us, perhaps you could submit article projects, micronews projects, or things in the Debian Project news document. Or discuss about things you want to make public from the project.

Hope it is helpful. Feel free to back to us if you need further details.

Best regards

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 16/11/2020 à 23:25, Tony Rodriguez a écrit :
I would like to volunteer, some of my time, to assist the Debian
community. I am not a Linux expert. I only have a CompTIA Linux+ from
the year 2000. I have made a decision to get more involved and earn
more certifications and make my future career revolve around the Linux

Tony Rodriguez

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