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Re: Upcoming announcement: backports.debian.org


Am 01.09.2010 20:11, schrieb Andrei Popescu:

>> As I'm currently on a business trip, it would be very good it, if
>> someone could start drafting an announcement.  For further questions,
> Let me try :)

Well done, many thanks!

But now that I'm reading it, I think there are two things missing (which
I didn't add to the whitebord list, so couldn't have foreseen them ;)

* The new backports key will no longer be signed by it's own key (or
only for a short period of time, Jörg?) but with Debian's own ftp-master
key.  That shouldn't change anything for the users, but as it is
security related, some people might wonder, so we better add it in a

* I think it would only be fair, to also add a paragraph about the
history, and mention, that it backports where started by Norbert
Tretowksi (TODO: Check spelling of his name), continued by Alexander
Wirt with a lot of volunteers, and finally integrated by Jörg Jaspert
(who did a lot of work, and had quite some "fun", as bpo was running a
quite older version of debian's archive kit).

Best regards,

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