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Re: format of date strings : british english proof reader needed

also sprach Jon Evans <saeng2oo@googlemail.com> [2008.05.13.2018 +0100]:
> We were always taught that the correct way to give the date is:
> Tuesday the 13th of May 2008

I was most certainly always taught not to spell it out.

But I don't insist. Yet, I like the MHRA style guide, and if it's
just by reason of it being published already.

It says:

> Dates should be given in the form ‘23 April 1564’. The name of the
> month should always appear in full between the day (‘23’ not
> ‘23rd’) and the year.
> Why not have a quick show of hands and then update the guidelines?
> I'm fond of 'st,' 'th,' and 'rd' myself but if they've got to go
> they've got go.

So my vote is clear: drop them; they contain absolutely no extra

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