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Publicity help: Thanks!

Wow, I didn't think a 'help wanted' ad with no pay offered could generate so 
many responses :)  Thanks for your interest in helping with Debian's 
publicity work.  There are already a lot of things in progress, but due to 
lack of time I haven't been able to keep up with them all.

All discussion pertaining to these items should be on the debian-publicity 
list (currently low volume).  I'm sure more people will jump in to help once 
discussions pick up on that list again.

These are the main things I currently have on my 'todo' list.  If you think 
of any others, feel free to add them.

- partners program (http://www.debian.org/partners)
  This needs to get started, basically it needs someone to write emails and 
contact people from the various vendors who we currently work with.  The 
mailing list for it is set up (an internal debian discussion list), and it 
is ready to go.

- trade show FAQ
  Joey Hess and Stu Barnes already have a good amount of info on this (from 
ALS and Linux Expo)  It just needs to be compiled into a FAQ or HOWTO, so 
people organizing shows etc. know what they're getting into and what to look 
for in organizing something along those lines.

- 'What is Debian' presentation
  Basically, slides containing information on what Debian is, what it does, 
etc. that can be used in a presentation, and also put into a booklet that we 
can give magazines etc. that contact us.  This should probably be 
coordinated with debian-doc.

- Debian events pages (http://www.debian.org/events)
  These pages are intended to help track who's working on which tradeshows 
etc. and need to be updated and maintained.  This is sort of an 'events 
coordinator' position- basically track on these web pages who's doing what 
for which shows.  The pages themselves and the structure are in place.

- debian-news posts containing articles about Debian, book reviews on Debian 
related materials, etc.

- deal with press email
  I'm looking for someone who's been with Debian for a while for this to 
help with the emails that come in to press@debian.org. This involves 
responding to easy questions and requests for information, or sending it on 
to the right people in Debian who can help answer the question.  This is 
what many 'zines see from Debian- so all mails must be answered, otherwise 
you're risking loss of image with the press.

If you have any questions, drop me a mail, or ask on the -publicity list.  
I'll be more than happy to help, and if I can't help I usually know who can.

To start working on any of these items, drop me or the publicity list a line 
with your intent, and we can figure out who's doing or coordinating what 
from there.

Thanks again!!

Nils Lohner				E-Mail: lohner@debian.org
Debian Press Contact                    Press:  press@debian.org

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