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logo objectives

In my opinion, before selecting a logo we must be clear about the objectives.
It must be simple: so the two animals together cannot coexist, they make the
logo too complex. To choose only one of the two would be unfair. So we must
choose a DIFFERENT animal (since plain text is considered BORING). In this 
way we also satisfy the criterion of UNIQUENESS (ie Debian will be something
special - which it is anyway, it is the only free linux any more).
Credit to GNU and Linux is given in a text basis (ie with the inclusion of
the words GNU/Linux, which also should be fairly small so that they don't
take the focus away from Debian).

To summarise and conclude: 

One animal
The word DEBIAN with large fonts
The words GNU/Linux with smaller fonts

(the animal neither a pinquin nor a gnu)...could be a horse, bird (eg owl)
(or eagle)...lion...plenty to choose from, why replicate others and not
being creative???

Manos Papantoniou

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