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Re: so ... let's merge DAM and FD?

On Thu, Jul 02, 2009 at 09:53:16AM -0700, Richard Hecker wrote:
> Lack of people vociferously objecting does not imply consent.

Note how my text was hypothetical about the existence of consent (at
least, it was intended to be such).

> While consensus might exist that eliminating bureaucracy is
> good, division of labor can be a good thing too.  I do not think you
> have established the need to combine the FD and DAM tasks.  Are
> you claiming the DAMs are too bureaucratic?

No, I'm claiming that the passage between FD and DAM is.

Regarding the division of labor, from some posts in the previous
thread I got the impression that it is not so divided. FD does more
checks than "completeness", with the intent of diminishing the work
load of DAM; but then, even if all goes well, the dossier got passed
to DAM and we all know that each single passage adds overhead.

My aim is that of removing that overhead so that, when all current
checks are performed by someone of the team, the account creation
request to DSA can be filed right ahead (or the applicant ditched,
without waiting for a ditch confirmation).


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
zack@{upsilon.cc,pps.jussieu.fr,debian.org} -<>- http://upsilon.cc/zack/
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...........| ..: |.... Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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