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Re: FOSDEM 2008 Debian dev room videos sneak preview

El vie, 29-02-2008 a las 12:54 +0100, Holger Levsen escribió:
> Hi,
> for those of you who don't follow planet.debian.org this is a repost of 
> http://layer-acht.org/blog/debian/#1-153 :
> Somehow the title of this blog post makes me think of a very long german word 
> and doesn't sound really english to me. But I guess you either already 
> noticed or don't care or both :-) 
>  So, whatever: right now the encoding batch of the high resolution theora 
> videos from the Debian dev room at FOSDEM [1] is running and the the low 
> resolution theora videos are being uploaded. Yay! These videos will become 
> available at the usual place [2] within the next hours. 
>  These are unedited videos as they were recorded to hard disk in Brussels. And 
> even like this they already look really great, thanks to dvswitch and the 
> slidegrabber and they also sound really good! IMHO ;-) (And for sure, the 
> high res ones are much better than the low res ones...) Out of fourteen 
> talks, ten will need simple post-processing: just cutting away something in 
> the beginning and at the end. The other four are a bit more complicated, as 
> I'll need to grab from tape and cut them together. 
>  And there is significantly more stuff I want and will blog about these 
> recordings and our setup in general, but this will have to wait. It's 1:42 AM 
> and I'm a bit tired :) 
>  So I'll just say "thank you all who made this possible" (you know who you are 
> and I don't "only" mean the volunteers listed on our event wiki page [3] but 
> all helpful people at FOSDEM) and have fun at (or watching the streams from) 
> the Linux Audio Conference [4]! 
>   [1] http://fosdem.org/2008/schedule/devroom/debian
>   [2] http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2008/fosdem/
>   [3] http://wiki.debian.org/FosdemVideo2008
>   [4] http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20080228.105314.bfebe2f3.en.html

I just want to thank you and all the people that did it possible. It was
very pleasant for those who could not be at Brusels watching the videos
in real time.  The streaming worked almost perfectly and I felt I was in
the Debian room.

For me the archives are not the most important (even if they are
useful), but the fact that I could follow the conference in real time
being some thousand of kms. away...

José L.

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