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Re: Criteria for a successful DPL board

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
> Raphael Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org> writes:
> > There might be many small decisions where such a structure is overblown.
> > In that case, we will adjust the working: maybe have a chairman of the
> > board who can take small decisions. 
> The power to make "small" decisions should be delegated to the people
> who actually do the things. This is critical in volunteer
> organizations, in my experience.


> I'm slightly confused on what you're actually proposing. Are you
> proposing a council or a leadership team? A council would be
> "Miniature Debian" and could make decisions faster than a GR, but
> would not lead as such. A council could be a larger body (in fact, 10
> people would be too few, IMO) whereas a leadership team of 10 people
> is too much (IMO).

I don't think the distinction is clear. I want a leadership that shows the
example that we can work constructively together and that we can take
decisions when needed.

I do not want to restrict the scope of the DPL board. If a board member
wants to propose a new guidelines for the project, he should be free to
propose it and it should be discussed/refined/eventually voted upon.
If a board member thinks we should clarify the situation concerning
trademarks, he's free to draft something and have it accepted by the
board. I'm pretty sure that the other board members would check that the
policy is reasonable with people in charge of ftpmasters, and anyone else
interested. Furthermore, there's public review of almost everything that the
board is preparing.

Raphaël Hertzog

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