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Re: Debian CDs organisation

On Friday 09 July 2004 09.26, Phui Hock wrote:
[CD reorganisation: sort by application group]

I like the idea, but I think implementing it would be a *lot* of work.  
The main problem would probably be the many libraries that are used by 
applications from multiple groups - where do you put them? If it's only 
a few 100M, maybe they'll fit on a 'library CD' you'd always need, but 
I'm not sure about that.

OTOH, and since you've started a discussion about the way Debian is 
distributed: should Debian still come with traditional CD images at 

Perhaps Debian could
 - publish a DVD image for those without broadband (does Debian even fit 
on one DVD?)
 - publish a Netinst image for the masses
And make it very obvious in the documentation that there are tools like 
apt-zip (I've not used it - is it ready to be used easily?) Perhaps 
include such tools on the netinst image.

How many people would be unable to use Debian with this scheme? I 
believe in industrialized countries, most (prospective) Debian users 
have broadband or at least know somebody who has broadband. How is the 
situation in countries with thinner Internet coverage?

Also, new computers are now almost always equipped with a DVD drive. How 
many people will want to Install Debian from CD (and don't have net 

(NOTE - this is based on the assumption that distributing the packages 
on the CDs actually causes considerable work - no need to drop CD 
images if it's actually very easy to produce them.)

-- vbi

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    * The Alexis de Toqueville Institue *

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