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Re: requirments

On Fri, Jul 02, 2004 at 06:01:07AM +0800, Shane McCarthy wrote:
> hi, 
> im new to linux and im planning on getting the latest version of
> debian, woody i think its nicknamed. but im  not going to dual
> boot it, instead im going to build a new box, could you recommend
> compatable hardware? i want to keep it as cheap as possible. thanks, 

Any box will do, make it as cheap as you want.  The only box I own is
running testing, so a bit heavier load even, and is a Pentium-mmx
166MHz, 92Mb of RAM, 7Gb hard disk, a 16bit graphics card with 2Mb of
momory, some standard stuff like floppy, cdrom and network cards -all
about the crappiest one can get.  Oh yeah, I even have a soundcard, some
original soundblaster iirc.
Anyway, this is much lower spec than you can currently find anywhere on
the market I suppose so don't be to worried...  I must admit my GNOME2
is sometimes a bit slow, but it all still is fine as it is the only
computer I have and still makes me happy.

Have fun

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