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cups-filters 1.9.0 released!


I have released cups-filters 1.10.0 now, with the following changes:

	- texttotext: Added new filter for text-only printers written
	  in C, to use the CUPS library to access the print queue's
	  PPD file, with a lot of options to fit practically all
	  printer models amd paper sizes, support for CUPS' page
	  management options, and support for configuring the print
	  queue and controlling the options by the PPD file. The PPD
	  is now generated on-the-fly by cupsfilters.drv.
	- textonly: Removed the old script-based filter and its PPD
	  for text-only printers.
	- rastertops: Added new filter to turn PWG Raster into
	  PostScript, in preparation for MuPDF support. Thanks to
	  Pranjal Bhor for contributing this as part of his Google
	  Summer of Code project.
	- gstoraster, gstopxl, gstopdf, pstopdf: Integrated
	  functionality of script-based filters pstopdf and gstopxl
	  into gstoraster filter as script-based filters cannot access
	  the print queue's PPD file with current CUPS due to change
	  of PPD file permissions.  To make gstoraster always produce
	  the correct output format (CUPS/PWG Raster, PDF, PCL-XL) it
	  is called via new wrapper scripts (gstopdf, gstopxl) which
	  set an environment variable telling the format. The old
	  filter scripts got removed.
	- imagetops, texttops: Do not use $0 in the wrapper scripts,
	  when CUPS calls filters, it passes the queue name as $0, not
	  path and name of the called filter.
	- cups-browsed: When creating local queues for discovered IPP
	  network printers always create PPD files and if the
	  information supplied by the printer via IPP is insufficient
	  use information from the DNS-SD entry or default values
	  suitable for most printers. Use System V interface scripts
	  only on explicit request in cups-browsed.conf. This change
	  is to address the fact that System V interface script
	  support is removed from CUPS 2.2.x and later for security
	- pstopdf: Make the filter only get installed if Ghostscript is
	  present and also moved its conversion rules into the
	  cupsfilters-ghostscript.convs file.
	- cups-browsed: Fixed crash when trying to get debugg logging
	  both to the terminal and into a file.
	- libcupsfilters: Fixed crash of pdftoraster when the color
	  space is an RGB space (3 colors) with 1 bit color
	  depth. Here we need to add one bit to the pixels (to get 4
	  bits per pixel) to align the pixels with the bytes.
	- cups-browsed: From cups-browsed.service removed the unneeded
	  "Wants=cups.service" as we have "Requires=cups.service"
	  (Debian bug #827455, #827457).
	- foomatic-rip: Updated man page for removed page logging
	- pdftops: Also added Dell to the list of manufacturers whose
	  printers need Poppler's PostScript to work around their
	  PostScript interpreter bugs (Debian bug #827040).

I would appreciate if you could upload this to Debian soon so that it syncs into Ubuntu.


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