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[RFT] snd-aoa has headphone and line-out detection now


I committed the code necessary in snd-aoa to support headphone and
line-out detection, but I need help with one thing:

When you plug in an optical connector into the combo thingie, is a
regular interrupt generated? Since nothing will actually be printed out,
I suggest the following method to find out:

1) start alsamixer
2) enable all outputs
3) plug in optical connector into the headphone/line-out plug
4) observe if anything changes
5) remove optical connector again
6) disable all outputs
7) plug in optical connector again
8) reply to this mail telling me what happens in alsamixer when doing it

If nothing happens then I suppose no interrupt is generated, otherwise,
there must be. But I'll need to change the code a bit in any case.

The headphone detection is intentionally not doing much, for one it
reports the current state in the mixer element 'Headphone Detected', and
you get the choice of switching to headphone on detect, which also turns
off all the others, and enables speakers when removing. Also, the
initial status is based on it.

If you want more options, run a userspace daemon that listens to changes
on 'Headphone Detected' and changes stuff appropriately. Keep in mind
that it must disable the automatic handling then. And no, I haven't
written one :)


PS: For those who care, here are some technical details:
(1) I decided not to make the fabric handle *all* the interrupts
     because that gets messy quickly with the allowed transfer items.
     Also, it is hard to handle because sometimes some inputs are
     mutually exclusive, while outputs controlled by amps are not, etc.
(2) I will need to change the code so that the fabric handles all the
     outputs, that is move the S/PDIF control to the fabric and have
     the codec have a call for enabling/disabling it... Yes, this is
     going into the direction of having the fabric control all of it,
     but see (1). Maybe that code will enable having the fabric control
     it all, I dunno.

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