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Qemu-system-ppc to run Debian

I'm trying to install a debian sarge over qemu in my ibook G4 and I can't.
I created hda file with qemu-img and im trying:
 saladino@Zack:~/imagenes-qemu/debian-img$ qemu-system-ppc -m 300 -M
prep  -cdrom debian-update-3.1r2-powerpc-1.iso -hda hda -boot d
but says:
ide0: drive 0: Hard Disk
OF_property_copy cannot get property 'hd' for aliases
ide0: drive 1: CD-ROM
OF_property_copy cannot get property 'cd' for aliases
Unable to read boot sector

Is there a way to run qemu-system-ppc succesfully?
Ive tried the other 2 -M ways but nothing, mac99 worked the same and
g3bw just a black screen.

Thanks for your time

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