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panics on powerbook3400 & misc problems

well you guys i am enjoying  sarge/stable on my pb3400
still feels like a miracle:

ppc603ev@180mhz/80MB RaM/1.GB (after subtracting OS9) hd
macsense aerocard (intersil4) pcmcia + bus card install.
openbox+gnustep(well some of it ...), gtkmm, ...

anyway, i am having some panic at boot time lately,
scsi says MESH is double loaded, if i reboot then i must
wait through fsck but there are no errors. but one
advantage is it does detect the essid correctly where
without this "double boot" i must set by hand iwconfig/dhclient

another problem i have struggle no power manager on battery
power works right. i have tried pbbuttonsd and pmud.
pmud crashes the system as soon as it gets installed and
pbbuttons won't wake up from sleep, also the screen blanking
timeout works w/out it but gets stuck with it. also i was
running hdparm for a little bit but it was not sane about the
timing of disk sleep...

well i can live with the second problem, i just shutdown.
have battery monitor prominently displayed, it seems accurate
on battery anyway if not on ac.

a third problem more messy is some applications that start
automatically display corrupted fonts (in Xwindow). its hard
to explain it - happens only with some applications, started
from Debian menu xterms except rxvt unicode rv, some pop
up help or error message, the name only on the top of i/o
for imagemagick (not the buttons or menus, just the header).

the reason i am asking about this here is because maybe this
machine has some limitation i don't know about. i don't want
to go into it more here because this is mostly about
the power/boot/ issues.

i am going to try and copy this disk exactly to my beige g3 to
see if the problem is the same for the fonts...

btw not to mix too many topics but my upgrades stable to
testing and to xorg7 went well on my G4(7410)-550 pismo.
not perfect, but managable.  have none of the above problems
there... (also i have complete gnustep going there, of course,
with upstream...)


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