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Re: Buy benh (or other) a minimac Re: Hi question about mac - mini

hej dean,

can you confirm that, $100 ?
> [...]
count me in for another $50.

ooops, I should have known that my bad english is going
to cost me money someday :)) the term "another" was meant
"in addition to thoses other fellows that already
donated $50", not as in "here, and again, and there's
plenty of them" :)

So -- unfortunately, but as I am just a poor PhD student --
it's "just and only $50". sorry for the misunderstanding!

a) directly to benh, if he's got a paypal account
   (ben, we'd need your paypal data...)
b) to someone else having a paypal account and a credit card,
   he then would order the mini directly from the store and
   let it ship to benh (ben, your address... :) )

I'd prefer a). And I'd volounteer for b), if required...
additionally, concerning the discussion that evolved
around money transfer and paypal accounts recently,
I want to stress again that I'd happily make use of
my paypal account and then, place a creditcard-order
with the whole sum at apple.com (.au, .uk, .whereever).

Philipp Käser

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