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Re: True state of support for 12" iBook G4

John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org> writes:

>> Buying Apple hardware is often a bad choice regarding linux
>> support. I bought an iBook 2 years ago because the ratio quality/price
>> was good, but these days, there are much nicer alternatives in
>> the x86 world.
> Perhaps you have a recommendation for me then.  I am looking for a
> small, very rugged, and inexpensive laptop.  The iBook seems to fit the
> bill nicely.  I can get it configured how I want for about $1200.  I
> could get a Sony that does what I want for about $1000 more, but it
> would probably be less rugged than the iBook.

These days, people seem to recommend IBM X40 series, but I don't
know if they are cheap enough for you.


Jérôme Marant


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