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Re: Airport and WEP

On 20/01/2004 at 14:44, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:

> After tweaking settings on my access point, I have it working.  There seems
> to be some settings that are on by default in most access points that
> the orinoco driver doesn't support and gives the f202 messages.

Well, I can tell you, _almost_ for sure, that they are not the settings
(I think I tried every possible combination of settings without any
success at all).

What firmware version do you have on your Airport Extreme BaseStation?

I'm asking because I found [*] that with 5.0.4 wep works fine (but it
doesn't with current version, 5.1.1).

[*] Well, I acctually didn't find about it, Charles Blacklock pointed us
this (Many thanks, Charles).


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