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Re: Trying to install on oldworld powermac

On Fri, Jan 16, 2004 at 11:11:13PM -0500, Fraser Campbell wrote:
> - I can just make out that open firmware is onscreen when I boot but
>   unfortunately I cannot read anything else.  My monitor displays about 6
>   copies of openfirware screen in narrow vertical bands, there's some shake
>   and it's too fuzzy to understand any of the output.

It is most likely choosing a bad video mode. My 7600 used to do that
all the time. There was a patch that made it better, but I'm not
sure if I still have that laying around.

> So now another problem I have is that I don't know what is the Command key or 
> what is the I/O key (or does that mean I & O)?

The "I/O key" is most likely is a reference to the power key. I've never
seen it called that, but the description of the key-combo matches.

> I have a Control key in the 
> same place as a PC (lower left), I have an "alt/option" key to the right of 
> that and then a blank key to the right of that ... is the blank (3rd from 
> left) key the command key?

Yes. Most Mac keyboards have the bottom row as ctrl,alt/option,command,space,
command,alt/option,ctrl. A command key usually has an Apple logo, the
cloverleaf looking thing, or both.

Note that Apply laptops are often missing the right hand versions, and
have the fn key added on the left end.

> Elsewhere I've seen it mentioned that holding down C will make you boot from 
> cdrom.  I have a debian-installer beta2 for powerpc available but it doesn't 
> seem to want to boot from that (I'm not sure that it even tries though).

On old-world models, that's implemented in the Apple ROM, not OF. Because
of this, once you change the boot-device it won't respond to the keys.

	Brad Boyer

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