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Re: Debian on iBook G4 status

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 the mental interface of 
J.Manrique Lopez de la Fuente told:

> Hello,
> I have a 12" iBook G4, and I would like using Debian/Gnome2.4 on it, as I
> do in my PC. I've heard that Xserver doesn't work in this machine yet, is
> that true? What is the real status of Debian/Sid for G4 iBook?
> Is there any tool like Partition Magic for Win32 for Mac OS X to make
> partititions without having to reinstall everything?
> Thanks and best regards,

Xserver is running for sure ;-) The 3-D accelaration depend on your
graphic adapter.

You'll find almost everythinh you are using fom the i386 port.

For Installation checkout



  "Talking much about oneself can also 
   be a means to conceal oneself."
         -Friedrich Nietzsche

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