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Re: Delete key

On  23 Apr, this message from Vincent Lefevre echoed through cyberspace:
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 13:23:07 -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
>> I have a titanium Powerbook G4.  This laptop does not have a key that
>> sends "delete".  It has a "delete" key, but Linux uses it as Backspace.
>>    Mozilla's mail/news reader wants to use a "delete" key for deleting a
>> message.  How can I fake a delete key?
> Use xmodmap to map Shift-Backspace to the Delete key.

Or hit 'Fn' & '6' (see that little symbol on the bottom of the '6'
key?). That generates the numeric keypad 'Delete'.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
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