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Re: switch from ADB to linux keycodes ...

> >From the iControl code, it would appear that there is more to an ADB
> event than just the key code... And that there is enough extra
> information to determine whether the event is a caps-lock event or not.

What additional information would there be? (The only place it could
possibly be is the the second data byte from the ADB packet; I _think_ the
byte(s) before what we use as data bytes are just the device address and
nothing else, see the adbhid_keyboard_input() routine).

> Does anyone know how to obtain this information correctly from within
> adbhid.c?

The second data byte should be available in adbhid.c.
adbhid_keyboard_input() currently discards any packet not from register 0
or not lenght 3. Try dumping these packets and see if there's any pattern
related to capslock keys ...


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