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Re: New with PPC soon...

On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 11:13:23AM +0200, Jan-Hendrik Palic wrote:
> HI...
>  ... and I have some questions.
> First, I want to buy an IBook in a few weeks and I to inform, what problems
> might be there to get Linux(debian) on it.
> Hmmm I think, the installation is not the problem, isn't it? But what about the

if you use woody boot-floppies installation will go much better.  you
also must read

if you don't you will probably partition your disk wrong and the
installation will fail.  

> hardware, is there a suppport, generally or by patches, to get te hole hardware
> running on debian?

more or less everything is supported.  sound is still iffy but it
sounds (no pun heh) like that is being resolved rapidly. 

> May I use the vanilla kernel or must it be patched to get compiled on PPC?

for now you still needed patched kernels, probably in a couple more
monthes we may be fully merged, toys and all with the Linus tree. 

> What about the journaling - fs xfs/ext3 on an IBook? Will it work with the
> special PPC- Kernels, if any are they?

xfs works perfectly on powerpc, unlike reiserfs which needs patches
(only available in the alan cox series, that tree is not recommended
for powermac).  you will need to partition your disk in a such a way
that you can move your filesystems around temporarily for xfs
installation.  (split off /usr /var /home and /tmp and things will be

> The airport-card, will it runs under debian?

with some ammount of witchcraft it apparently does.

> I would be pleaed, If anyone has some links to good HowTo's and informations to that!

penguinppc.org has some info.  

the archives of this list are probably better then anything.

Ethan Benson

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