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Re: modem works!, battery drains fast?

"Steven Hanley" <sjh@svana.org> writes:

> Now the weird thing, I have just had my laptop off the power lead for about
> 10 minutes and it is already down to 95% battery left according to gkrellm
> with the pmu plugin.

That's like 200 minutes/battery which doesn't seem aweful, does it?

> Also what is the cpu doing? is there the ability to have it put to sleep
> lots? I seem to remember linus did a hack a while back so his laptop had the
> cpu being put to sleep every cycle if it was not needed or some such, (of
> course as is often the case with linus hacks, it only worked on his laptop,
> didnt even work on other vaio's or something was what I heard)

I'm wondering if anyone has a page of general tunings one can set to
extend the battery life, stuff like taking out the DVD/CDROM drive
from the bay, lowering screen brightness, hard disk settings.


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