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Re: Installation super-woes on PowerBook 3400

On Thu, Sep 07, 2000 at 11:48:02PM -0400, Patrice LaFlamme wrote:
> > this is very interesting, you have NO macos drivers on this disk, the
> How can you see this exactly?

because there are not 6 ugly Apple_Driver type partitions littering
your partition table ;-)

> ok, well, I got the source tarball from ftp, compiled it, read and tried
> to understand quik.conf (doesn't seem that hard...), and ran /sbin/quik.

which source tarball?  AFAIK only the debian patched sources work, all
others are broken on ppc (unless patches have been merged but then
again there are alot of broken quiks laying around)

> I rebooted, and miboot still booted...

you need to change OpenFirmware's boot-device variable.

if you get the ybin 0.21 tarball and use the ofpath utility you can
find the correct path to do this run:

ofpath /dev/hda

and add a 0 to the end of what it gives you, then run:

nvsetenv boot-device path

where path is the output of ofpath.

> Considering my partition map, how should I configure quik?

what do you have now for a quik.conf?

> > believe me debian is worth it ;-)
> I know, I have it on my Pentium166 and one of my NetWinders (and
> gradually, my others too, as debian-arm becomes more mature...) The reason
> I'm relunctant is that I have a working system right now on my laptop.. ;)
> But I will install Debian one day... ;)  (interesting that the LinuxPPC
> installer _did not_ install any of the x-related dev packages, such as
> Xfree86-devel even though I had selected the X-Window Development!)

typical redhat install procedure, ignore whatever the user told us to
do and install whatever we want.  

> oh right... I guess I didn't make the connection, since my volume
> names and partitions names were the same ;)

the volume name is irrelevant anyway, you would only see it in macos
which is quite absent from your machine.

> well, I found some more info on the net that basically said I need ResEdit
> to configure miboot, so...

this is something i consider broken about miboot, it really needs to
parse a regular text configuration file like everything else.

needing resedit is not entirely accurate but you probably won't like
the alterative, which is to use a hex editor.

the debian package `hexedit' has a decent hex editor.

> well, my problem is probably miboot. Let's see if we can get quik to work,
> and then work on the kernel thing... :)

fix your openfirmware variable to enable quik.

Ethan Benson

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