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Re: m68k mac questions

hi jon,

i think, you're new in using linux, aren't you?
so,  I#ll try to explain the way you can get
other (external) volumes.

you installed your linux and gave him 2 or 3 
partitions. partitions are parts of a harddisk.
one of these partitions has been called "swap"
- this is a partition where your applications
get virtual RAM, if there is no more "real" RAM.
 this partition can not been mounted.

then you created 2 other partitions: a usr and a
/ partition: these partition are for your work.
both partition can also been mounted manually.
for making your job easier, there exists a file
called "fstab". mostly you can fin it in the directory
so, if you try 
     cat /etc/fstab
     you will see something like this:
     bash-2.02$ cat /etc/fstab 
     # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
     # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options>                  <dump> <pass>
     /dev/hda1       /             ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1
     /dev/hda2       /home/ftp/pub ext2   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1 
     /dev/hda3       none          swap   sw                         0      0
     proc            /proc         proc   defaults                   0      0
     You have mail in /var/spool/mail/geka
in my file there are 3 partitions: two of them with 
the data-type "xt2" (what means linux native) and the third 
one as type "swap".
the "moint point" means simple the directory, where
i can find f.e. the device "/dev/hda2" (what is

so, if you want to get a "normal" mac- or pc- or unix-
cdrom mounted, you have to tell your system the
following information:
1) what shall i do?     =>  mount
2) are there any options?  => -t [fileformat]
3) what media shall i handle?  => /dev/cdrom
4) where shall i drpo the media?  => /cdrom [or /mnt]

so, the command you looked for, is
mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom

so, if you want to mount your macvolume, you should 
use this:
	hmount /dev/sdxx /mnt

(i still do not remember, if there were any options...
the handling should be the same)

so, now some other information:
the directory /mnt normally is "empty", what means,
if you does not have any filesystem mounted there,
there couldn't be any files there.
bvut, if you have (successfully) mounted
a media there, then you can see the directories.

same with installing.
debian distinguishes between 2 installmodes:
if you choose "dselect" you first have to unmount
the cdroms. deselect want to mount any cdrom on hisself!

so, if you want to install several files without
using dselect, you can choose "dpkg". then, you
*must* mount the cdrom first, before you can install.

in both variants you must be "root" (superuser).
(you are root, when you type
schwalbe:/home/geka# whoami
and the answer is not "xx", but "root".

if you want to read any *.doc-files, you should then install
star writer. but i think. that you will need time:
i, i installed my system 3-4 times, before i knew
what is when and who working. linux, and espaccially
debian aer not so easy to handle like macos or windows.

ok, jon, i've to go to work now, hope i helped you
a little bit and will watch and answer on your next
questions this weekend


angelika meier

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