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Re: conf problems in unstable?

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 01:39:50AM -0800, Wilhelm *Rafial* Fitzpatrick wrote:
> I'm in the process of getting Debian installed on my TiBook (using some the
> great hints on this list) and after installing from the 2.2r2 CD I first
> tried upgrading to testing, but ran into a bunch of errors seemingly
> involving debconf, and then after that go weird, I tried again with
> unstable and got the same errors:
> Can't call method DESTROY on an undefined value at
> /usr/lib/perl5/Debian/DebConf/Question.pm line 151
> This error shows up when setting up many packages.  Is anybody else
> experiencing this?

yes, it only comes up every 3 hours on debian-user, check the

#include <joey_hess_debconf_rant.h>

basically i think the deal is you need a newer debconf.  

Ethan Benson

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